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Lime Creek Road

SUBMITTED BY:   San Juan Images (Barbara Lawson/Ray Turner)

GPS COORDINATES:   37.721N, 107.750W

ELEVATION:   9,800

DRIVING DIRECTIONS FROM DURANGO:    37 miles north on US 550, turn right (east) on Lime Creek Road (Forest Service 591). The first three to four miles have the prettiest aspen and the best road conditions. The road continues for a total of 11 miles where it rejoins US 550 at the Cascade Creek curve, but driving conditions deteriorate and fall photographic opportunities are not as good.

ROAD CONDITIONS: (mark yes if applies)


       GRAVEL:  Yes


       ROCKY: Yes, the further you drive


ACCESSIBILITY: (Mark yes if applies)

       ANY VEHICLE:    Yes


       4x4 VEHICLE:


BEST TIME OF YEAR:    Late September to the first week of October.

BEST TIME OF DAY: Sunny day from mid morning or mid afternoon for good south back lighting on the aspen and shadows with good light in the valley. A slight breeze can frequently give exciting photos of falling leaves.

CAMERA EQUIPMENT / SETTINGS SUGGESTIONS: We nearly always polarize aspen to saturate the colors.

HIKING INFO:    If you drive the rockier south leg of the road you reach the trailhead to Spud Lake 8 miles from where you left US 550. The lake is 1.2 easy miles from the parking area and, while mostly conifer trees, there are some good views with aspen and reflections in the lake.

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